Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hurricane Watch 2010!

Hey Friends.

In case nobody told you, after a solid month of beautiful weather, mother nature decided to throw a curve ball right at the heart of our party with Hurricane Earl.

The latest weather reports say there's a pretty good chance Earl will hit Nova Scotia sometime between Friday evening and Saturday afternoon.

Despite this, our ten year anniversary party is still a go!
In case of rain, we'll be moving the party to the Twin Village Social Club hall in Amirault's Hill (where the dance party was scheduled to take place later in the evening). We will proceed as normal with the foods and the drinks and the entertainment, and party till the cows come home (not really, there are no cows in Sluice Point).

In terms of accommodations, if you were planning on camping this may - quite literally - put a damper on your situation. There is select room for some people at my parent's house and at Nicole's parent's house, but if you're interested in finding a room with a bed, I would suggest checking out our blog post on Yarmouth accommodation info.

Also a reminder if you're traveling, especially if you're traveling on Saturday morning, plan to leave a bit early. If it's raining hard we want everyone to be safe, so don't rush it.

If you need anything, or have any questions, get in touch with Nicole via facebook, txt or email (addy available on the blog).

Regardless of the weather, we're all going to be together and we're all going to have a good time, and that's the whole point now isn't it?

To make a little light of the situation, here's a link to an mp3 of me having a conversation with CKDU's Cat Chapman about my hate-on for Earl. Enjoy!

See you Saturday.

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